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BS 18001: 2007, the current Global Standard, is an ‘enabler’ for an organization to establish a Occupational Health and Safety( OH&S) Management system to control its risks , establish and implement Operational controls and improve its OH&S Performance.

Through certification to this Standard, many SMEs, mid-sized and large Companies have benefited

  • by minimizing the OH&S risks arising out of their products, processes and outsourced services

  • by building an ability to report to authorities on their Legal compliance and

  • by enhancing its image amongst the stakeholders and Customers – both in India and abroad.

In many SMEs certified to BS 18001:2007, the internal audits, training and the Management representative (drawn from a lower hierarchical level or left) are not effective. This often leads to the collapse of the OH&S Management system with consequential effects on Occupational safety and Health of employees and business results.

Our Team helps in achieving ‘Continual improvement’ by conducting effective internal audits, Training and through guidance to the Management representative.

Organizations wishing to be certified to BS 18001:2007, we conduct a gap analysis and formulate a strategy to identify weak performing areas and raise the overall competitiveness. We also provide help to update your documentation in line with the requirements and provide Training for implementing the documented processes in an effective manner.

Occupational Health And Safety Management System


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